Father!! Whenever this word comes to my ears i realize how good it is to have a person in your life who stays by your side like a shadow and protects you from anything or anyone that could've thrown you in the dark. Father is not only the person who once taught you cycling, held your finger to teach you how to place the right steps but he is also the one who stands behind you like a life support system to calm you during your success, to cool you down in anger, to teach you the lessons of honesty, integrity and self respect. Whenever i realize that I've lost this life support i feel like I am living without my soul. I see a child playing with his father and then i see myself as an unfortunate and disabled boy who lost his father when he was on the verge of completing 10 years of his life. Every boy in his teenage wants someone who can understand his feelings, his likes and his dislikes. Even i needed someone by my side when i got infatuated. My mom couldn't understand me that time and i used to cry alone and miss you Daddy. Even now i need you ; but you're not with me. But i know that not physically but you're present somewhere around me, watching me cry for you, for your pat on my back when i did well in exams, when i got admission in college and all those moments when i overcame the pain of not having a father. Almost 9 years without you Daddy.........it hurts....!!

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