Losing u is not an easy task for me,
can't survive one least minute thinking of it
u had always been aside me as a helping hand,
u cant leave it all just by a word,
how to keep the relation at risk
when I know that none of us were responsible for it,

we need time this is what I know
leaving things just as by is not right I suppose
Love will stay in my heart I promise
but I will be lost this is granted
u made me what I am
I will be vanished from my owns mind then
how can I convince u for once
just want to make u rewind the time when
we had a something in us
what has happened ,
Had u forgotten me in a rush?

This is all how I tried to convince u from my full heart
don't remember what happened further as I my sleep was obstruct

I would have died if this would be real,
thank god it was a DREAM
that is why im here to write all this over here...

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