Sometimes when you feel like walking every evening or may be in the morning, some people dog you. They don't wanna hurt or annoy you but in a way they do. So do I feel annoyed every evening when some little children come to me hoping for some food or money. From past six months there wasn't a single day when they left me alone or didn't annoyed me. Yes, they annoy me , they annoy you and they annoy everybody. They keep on dogging you until you give them something or you scare them away. But begging is not a reason of annoyance for me. It is their condition. Twenty crore people live below poverty line in India and 50% or may be more of them are beggars. These little children are among those and this is what annoys me the most.

I did some research in this field and after an eye catching finding I was taken aback.There are Eight Indian states alone- Bihar, Odissa, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and West Bengal that comprise poor population greater than 26 poorest African countries.

Coming back to my previous problem.Some little children are spending their childhood begging across the streets. Government has started different schemes for the upliftment of these people. Two of them are DBT( Direct Benefit Transfer) and Food Security Bill. I believe successful implementation of these schemes can benefit poor people and may be it can return the childhood back in the hands of these children. What keeps those children away from getting a beautiful childhood, Is it unsuccessful implementation of policies and schemes by government or the parents who inspire them to beg?

Tags: Society

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