Sitting in Car(Ola cab) and cursing the bad traffic... Suddenly a small little boy knocked the glass with small flower bookey in his hand. I said, I don't want to buy it. He went away without getting demotivated. He was running towards the cars so that at least he could sell one of his flowers.
For those who drive vehicle, traffic light is the most painful place. But for those who are not able to drive their life properly, may be traffic lights are main source of income for them. Watching the small boy's attitude towards his work and life, I put down the glass window, called him and bought one set of flowers... For whom??? I don't know...
Generally when we see flowers specially the roses, we remember our loved ones... But this time, its not the case. Perhaps, just to see a glimpse of smile on the little boy's face, I bought the flower.
That made my day, perhaps his also smile emoticon

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