The beauty of a flower
Congress currently in power
The handshakes of today
“ Why Raamu Singh Yadav didn’t like this?”
Such petty things that cause dismay

The Gucci purse
My flattened stomach
The happy me today
With all the worries at bay
Would all this be like that forever?

Vows turns to alimony exchanged
Some “Best. Friends. Forever” part their ways
Betting gets legalised, oh yes it does
Courtesy: Dominos Pizza, i now possess a plumpy stomach

Saiyo nara congress, NDA now dominates the scene
What only remains forever is their bickering and being mean
The red hair fades to green
blindly they climb the bandwagon, to look the “ooh lala” fashion queen
The cycle goes on, this vicious cycle
New ‘Forever’ vows are crafted, some are back taken
The things "in vogue" change, medicines expire
Then where the hell can i apply 'Forever'

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