Do you want to raise your vibration, feel joy and peace more often, and go with the flow? If the answer is yes, then let me suggest practicing the release of resistance and accepting everything as it is. Accepting everything in your life as it is will lead you onto a path of joy and is a very powerful way to live. This is because when you aren't stuck in resistance your heart and mind are open. It is from this place of openness that you can create the changes you want to see in your life and move forward on your higher path.

Accepting what is allows you to open up to living a more joyous, abundance, and loving life. It does not keep you stuck, as some people may think. Accepting everything as it is doesn't mean to never change anything or to be a doormat. What it means is to accept that you created your reality, and everything in your life is there for some reason. For example, if you are in an abusive relationship, you can accept that you co-created the situation, and the lesson is to learn to step into your personal power. I don't mean to just accept that you are being abused and live with it; acceptance is to forgive yourself and understand why you are in the situation you are in. Then, you can resolve the situation and move through it. If you can accept what is in your life and love where you are (the pure, unconditional love of your heart), you free your energy to create the experiences you dream about. If you are resisting what is, you are actually focusing your energy on what you are experiencing now, thereby keeping you "stuck" by creating more of the same. In other words, resistance does not raise your vibration!

Resistance of what is will keep you creating the same situation over and over. If you can love where you are you are free to move through it. You are open to learn the lessons that are inherent in your current situation. Your mind is open to receive solutions to problems, your heart is open to love, and you step into your personal power by owning your part in creating your life.

Whatever you create is perfect for you. There is no need to berate yourself for what you have created- life is just a practice so lighten up on yourself! When you accept where you

are you immediately raise your vibration and your world lightens up. When you release resistance you move into a beautiful state of allowing, and therefore, receiving. Can you open to receive the life of your dreams? Can you release the resistance of where you are? Can you just let go of the struggle?

Instead of wishing to escape your current reality, accept it while continuing to plan to evolve. A big reason why many people don't manifest what they want is because they want something simply to escape their reality. If you desire a large sum of money, is it to escape your current reality of debt or crappy job? Have you fully accepted that you created the debt or the job situation, and have you forgiven yourself? Can you be at peace with your debt or job while working to be a better money manager and doing what you can to make your current job better?

Think of life in simpler terms. Do you hate and resist winter and dream endlessly of spring, or do you just accept the winter, knowing that spring will arrive eventually? Do you make yourself miserable all winter long? Can you think of the bigger issues the same way? You have the ability within to do anything you want. You can get out of debt, get a better job, and create a life of love, abundance, and joy, but not if you spend all of your energy resisting what is!

Escapism is resistance. To want something only so that you don't have to deal with your current situation will not lead to transformation, as you have not learned the lessons embedded in the issue. How many times have you completely resisted something only to decide down the road that it was the best thing that could have happened?

Love where you are. Love what is. Your physical reality is a mirror of your inner world- a reflection of your energetic vibration. Releasing resistance will raise your vibration immediately. Accept what you see in the mirror! Love it for the gift that it is, for the mirror helps guide you onto a path of joy, love, and abundance. Observe your reactions and simply notice what you resist. Then forgive yourself, and accept what is!

Tags: Meditation

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