I have learnt to forgive,
The maddening world of feelings.
They play truant at odd times,
Surging my diverse emotions.
I have got crushed,
From expectations not met.
The longing for one to be at home,
In the alien land of someone's heart.
I have got stabbed in the back,
From friends turned enemies.
Truth be told, they were never mine,
For fling with freedom,they remained unkind.
I have been talked at,
By people whom I cared about.
The moment might have been fleeting,
My heart though got ripped by an iron bar.
I have learnt to forgive,
To move on despite myself.
For united will I go with others,
Inside the shining light from heaven.
Destiny was on the darker side,
Devil loved to lie everyday.
I stumble but never give up,
Vistas will be opened when least expected.

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