Everywhere we look today, someone is doing the best they can to enslave mankind or make others conform to another person’s will. This began in the early days of history, and there have been slaves in every generation.

People obtain slaves and force others to become slaves because they can and because the potential slaves themselves, in most cases, allow it. Many people in the world would rather be passive and leave the decision-making in a society to those who have power or who are in power. This in turn allows those who would enslave to take advantage of others.

It could be as simple as a forced kiss on a date to the gathering up of thousands of people to sell for use in agriculture or sex trafficking. Even in a democratic society, slavery can be prominent due to the passivity of the population. These people allow the elite or those in charge herd them around like cattle and wildlife.

Today many are enslaved by drugs and alcohol. Others are enslaved by government which tells them exactly what they can do. Many more are addicted to government assistance through welfare and food stamps. These people have opened the door to be slaves to someone or something else.

It breaks my heart for the children who are kidnapped and put into the sex slave business all over the world. Some of these are very young children and their parents have sold them into slavery just to get money to live. For those in this trade there is great financial gain and so today, it is big business.

In our suburban areas, the sex industry enslaves women from preteens to adults. Some of these women are force into their occupation which at times they do not wish to do. Because others want riches any way they can get it, these slave masters or pimps take advantage of those most vulnerable.

Freedom and free will is something that is inbred in every man, woman or child. When anyone enslaves another human being, first we know it’s wrong, but the slave, if treated somewhat properly at the beginning, gets used to their situation. After a while, most slaves were or are beaten, degraded, or treated inhumanely. At this point, they realize that this being a slave for someone else is not natural and could lead to their death so they seek their freedom if possible. We have seen this throughout all generations.

My point in all this talk is that any of us could be potential slaves in any society in which we live if we allow it, or we can even be enslaved by an overall passivity of the whole culture around us. Freedom is in all of us but so is the potential for someone else to put us into a place of forced servitude.

We need to keep our guard up and not accept others who would lead us into something we are not completely sure of. Drugs, sex trafficking, and subsistence addictions are just a few of the enslavements that have captivated million in our world today.

Keep yourself free by not believing the lie of living a passive life. Keep alert and care. Watch and be vigilant in all that you do. Stay in the game of life and always strive to protect your rights and freedoms because they are slowly being taken away. Slavery is an awful but curable part of all societies.

Tags: LIFE

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