Friendship! Once in my life, this word had a very great meaning! This word itself was my life. But now, I've begin to hate that word! Life & experience are the two best teachers! As the days pass, as life goes on, we come to know who the real ones are!

Yeah! I too had a good number of friends. Of course, I loved them, trusted them, helped them in every way I could! I thought they were friends for life!

But then, when I was in drowned in problems, in difficulties, in tears & fears, I realized who the real ones are!

Yes! Because of my serious health problems,I Hardly attended any classes. Couldn't walk for long distance. Discontinued my degree. Needed someone to help me with my notes, assignments, projects, studies etc.. So that I could complete at least few subjects! Lo! I did find none to help me, none to share my pain. Each one giving some reasons, just to escape. Friends started ignoring me, as I was a 3 pointer! Oh! I was an inferior! Finally even lost a year.. Huh! In addition, all I needed was someone who could stand by me. Someone who could give me courage! All my friends went apart. Even one of my childhood friend. I had never expected this from her. Was hurt, in pain. But then, finally I found one.. One gem in my life.. One special friend! Who did everything to me...
Thank God! ..

Rest all, completely fake friends! As Buddha said " An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." I found it so true! "Don't fear for an enemy who slaps you, But a fake friend who hugs you!"

Sometimes I feel bad, that I lost a year. But sometimes I'm happy for I 've come to know, who the fake ones are! True friends are really hard to find.. But if you find, they are your life!! Everyone comes to us, be with us in happiness. But once your surrounded by problems, real friend comes to you as a guiding light! Light amidst the darkness!!
Love your enemy who slaps you in public, but not a fake friend who stabs you from back!

Wrote in urgent. I know I could I've expressed better!

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