Something has been broken,
something has been missing,
but now it's too late
to stop and look in.

You made me move on,
but now you are gone,
still a light of hope,
made me move from morning to dawn.

You promised, you smiled,
you hugged, you cried,
you feared, you lied,
but never imagined
one day you'll hide.

I only thought about you,
only care of you,
but now it feels like
it wasn't enough for you.
Gave you my best,
made you laugh,
without caring about myself
gave you my heart.

Still moving on,
from morning to dawn.
With a little hope,
under the dark sky
where you left me,
and moved on.

I know:
It wouldn't be that easy
just to move on.
I can feel that pain,
when you are gone.
I know:
It's too late to apologize,
when you were alone,
and I cried.

All those regret,
and pain and ache,
trapped inside me
is just over enough I can take.

With unexplained feelings,
like unexplained song,
even though it expresses,
a tear rolled on.
It ain't that warm,
but still moved on,
leaving cold traces behind,
just as my pen rolled on.

But still moving on,
from morning to dawn.
thinking about you
but now you are gone.

I know you are missing me,
just a door to be opened.
But now I can't feel anything,
cause my heart is completely frozen.

Tags: Dreams, Memories, Love

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