It’s been so long since I played my sport,
So long since I embraced my team’s rapport.
I miss the adrenaline rushing in my veins,
While the opponents tried to score in vain.

While I lay here on my comfortable bed,
I think about the times I have worn red.
And went out on court to carve my game,
Among those who applauded my name.

But as I watched yesterday from the stands,
Players with whom I once took a stance,
I felt cut off, like I didn’t know anymore
That game I played until my feet went sore.

Yeah it’s been long and yeah I may have lost touch,
But I need to get out there and get all rough.
It’s already that time of the year again
When I have to lose all inhibitions and train.

I need to improve to compete with the new teams,
My team needs all the help it seems,
Each one of us have to have fun while serious,
While we all get Citius, Altius, Fortius.

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