This is one topic I can speak about n number of times.. I have had a real busy childhood, after all we used to have so many games to play. If bored with one start the next.. We had a variety of games for all kinds of weather and occasion. Games for girls only or boys only and also everyone together.

What could be the best time to play Hide and Seek? Ans: When there is power cut and the only available light is moonlight..

Lock and Key also known as Pari patthar. Then there was the Doctor Doctor game (Sankli).. O my god.. at least 1 of the people would start shouting with pain and when the knot is removed start running forming a chain...

Our girly games included aeroplane, biscuit (all those numbered boxes n hopping games). Exclusively for boys games would be playing marbles, spinning the top. Cricket would not be a boys' game as we would sneek in sometimes for batting ;)

Lagori(pittul)- This was one game I played rarely but a fantastic game. I still remember when a guy had hit me with a ball and the ball hit my neck. It pained a lot but worth the game.. :)

Its raining outside. So what? go dance in the collected water or sail paper boats. We had a good share of indoor games as well. Be it the London statue or pass the word or name place animal thing.

Back at my native place, we played a real unique game. All the people participating in the game should have a big dry mango seed and two stones. A small hole was made by digging some earth. From this hole all the players would measure 12 steps distance and place their seed, such that everyone's seed is separated by a equal distance.

Now the player would hit the neighboring player's seed with his stones. If it hits, the player can move his seed by 1 hand distance towards the hole. The target being reaching the hole first. In this process if your seed gets hit by your neighbor and moves back, you will have to start from where the seed was sent ..

Hmm... Now all I have is only memories.. I have grown up but I would still love to play these games. Bit I at least have memories.Kids of today's generation don't even have that. May be they have their own games but the fun we had is simply not comparable..

Tags: Childhood, Fun

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