First of all Happy Diwali to all my dear friends :)
In advance:p

Diwali is coming and I wish to write something ...please try to amend it.

When you go to shopping and come back ,avoid talking about your purchases in taxi or auto rickshaws in which you travel because the driver sad because he can't buy the same for his kids.

When you burst firecrackers,give some to your watchman bhaiya so he can give it his kids,although you don't many.

When you ask your maid to clean your house then stand beside her and help her with her work,she will be cleaning two houses this diwali :)

When you make sweets then also give it to some your kachara wala who come to your house so he may have something nice to hold for a change.

We will have a happy and Prosperous Diwali but there are people less fortunate than us who won't celebrate like us.
Don't make them feel that.
Include them in your love and joy.

This Diwali don't increase diabetes,pollution and inflation.
Increase smiles,it seems more delightful :)

Happy and a safe diwali ~

Tags: Happiness

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