God is a prankster,

loves to play pranks on us. What if all the situations,problems,crisis etc we may call it,are just silly pranks planned by God?
The only difference being the 'the way we look at it'.

When we humans play pranks on each other,we usually do it to bother someone,annoy,take some revenge or make fun but when God play pranks on us,the only purpose is to teach us a valuable lesson which helps us grow and understand ourselves better. It helps us to get closer to our true nature.

Else just imagine how come all our problems gets solved,all crisis gets over and all situations get changed. We might feel anger,frustration,depression,sadness,pain,agony but at the end of the day we do come out of it. We do struggle initially but we overcome, for sure.

Life is a journey of such pranks only. It will come to an end one day, when we will be back to where we belong. Then why take it so seriously and why not enjoy these games with God,our friend, philosopher and guide

Happy Journey!

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