Not a Chinese name, No name after all, just a childish version of the word "Handshake"

"Acheeee... Achheee!" I sneezed twice. Ahh! How I hated sneezing like this continuously. Well, whatever, so here was I, at the Doctor's, to get a check-up. I just prayed I hadn't got infected with the terrifying Swine Flu!
Dad was to open the door, but then the figure of a tiny creature of a man who clung to the door stopped him. The little kid looked at my dad, and went aside, making way for him to open the door.
He looked at my dad, so tall, and then he was so petite, not even half a metre! He was afraid of the giant- 'Was he a Demon? Or an alien?' He probably thought; but soon diverted his mind to fiddling with the dorr again, occasionally irritating his own father by doing things he forbade him from doing.

He saw me, and liked me at once (Wow, I am so cool, and Likeable, I know :P). He came near me.

"Ha-Che!" He said, raising his tiny hands towards me. I smiled and reciprocated what he did. He jumped in glee.
He turned to everyone else present there- the nurse, the mother, my mother, the other mother with another small kid, his own father- he shook hands with everybody, including a tall man who was distracted in his own thoughts, in tension perhaps, he seemed to be.

The child just waited, with his hands raised, awaiting the handshake.
"Ha-che!" He again said.
The man looked down, his jolly eyes made the man smile, forget all tensions, as he smiled and shook hands with Mr. Twirp.
His Mission was over, hand shaken with everybody, except my dad. He was afraid, but he didn't care.
Now his attention moved towards the tiny girl of his age, as he tried to woo her, moving his tiny face into her, and then poking at her. She didn't like it.
"Mamma! Toffee!!" She turned away, and begain wailing.

The kid's attenton returned to handshakes.
He seemed afraid first, but then gradually controlled his huts, as he came near my dad.
"Ha-che.." He said, nervously, as dad smiled at him and shook hands with him.
The smile on the tiny's face was worth a capture- he smiled clapping gently hiding his face in his equally small hands, maybe out of embarrassment or shyness. He was courageous for himself, he had made a new friend- He kept on shaking hands with my dad till we finally had to go into the Chamber.

And meanwhile, I had forgotten all about how sick I was. It's aptly said- Children have a God-Gifted ability to make anyone smile and laugh. Time passes by so swiftly and with ease while in their company!

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