Have you ever just had high esteems about yourself and really thought of yourself as the king/queen of the world and also that you rule the world and no matter what but the world will work according to you?

Great I know all of you have thought like this as a child!
"Childhood" a phase where everything seemed so easy and so perfect. It was a time when you thought that the world works just the way you want it to work! And you thought this way because you always had a protective cover around you of your parents! You were like a pearl in the shell still not ready to come out and face the complications of a very rough and hard world!

Childhood was a phase where our perception about ourselves was not very realistic it was quite impractical, and I swear it was much better than now when we have to think so much more practically and to take each and every decision we have to at least think a thousand times!

I don't even remember how and when did my childhood end! I don't even remember the time I suddenly got trapped in responsibilities when I was a free soul since forever! When did my childhood exactly end how from a pretty child who never thought what the world would think about me when actually the world thought what I wanted them to think! And now I am always conscious about my actions, before doing anything thinking a thousand times about what the others would think!

But I still don't know when exactly did it all end and where did that innocent face got lost in this always frowned face in tensions of this complicated life!

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