Sitting at a diwali dinner I was too busy trying to focus on whats being talked about. But in vain the talk of clothes (with attempts of i shall out do all with my knowledge tones) had me writhing n squirming with discomfort. Oh my God! U havent ssen deepak's latest collection???? It is to die for!.... N with each wail a wave of nause would hit me hard. Repeated competettions and superiority complexes were suffocating me to death, Literally!

Finally God smilled down at me for my endurance. N I saw weird looks full of haughtiness and malice written on them being passed at me. That had me smilling with aniticipation. When I got the gist of the story it went like this; " Kaoo (my younger sister) is a real sweet heart I mean she is the one who loves her family in the real sense of the word. And my God she is sooo big hearted...... She is alwaaays giving us gifts Uska dil tu sub say bara hai".

Ohhh so Im being told I don't love I mean suck up to them...... a bark of laughter escaped me un noticed. It earned me further I will eat u with my eyes kind of derrogratory looks. But my day was made.....

It was my turn to stare on with hilarity screaming on my face. Looking at them I felt pity but honetly I was being more bitchy. These women or child like women whose soul purpose of existance is to get married bear children shop keep maids n then complain oh God I have sooo much to do..... where as there there are women working and housewives around them who actually do much more n still smile.

There are women in my experience who if staying at home also are responsible for the house hold work cooking cleaning teaching kids spening quality time with them and so on. On the other hand there are women who work their heads off on a job n see to their houses too! But everytime you se them you find them with a smile on their tired faces.

They are women too you know. They too hae vanity! But these poor people and their likes are unfortunately sucking their husbands like leaches traveling shopping n socialising n still un happy. Not a moment goes by when they dont whine or put others down.

So today was to be my lucky day. And I was being told Oh you know you should wear a different a more darker shade of lipstick sweety this makes you look dark! n I with that devilish smile n look on my face very smiling replied aww Baby thank you for the advice honey but you know what Im truly happy with my less painted face cuz trust me I cant bear to look like a dracula with super white fake face n ugh red dracula lips on my face I see them too often to commit that miistake. A gasp went round! n all at once said NO you are crazy! You dont have style sense Babes this is IN!!!

I calmly looked at them and said thank God being bald isnt in otherwise you naieve chicks would have followed mother fashion duck with total faith n blindness. Well guess what you pretty ladies you search for ways to look hot n glamourous n Im happy searching for ways of being me beautifully.

With their mouths hanging I thought of making this my last piece but the devil!!! It kept glued.... I sat quietly thinking oh make them leave that will be a site! after digesting n un succesful attempts to understand what just happened I knew the mega event was about to occur. Again the same babe cousin of mine goes like.... Sweety you know a woman has to look nice, like a woman to keep her man interested if nothing else!

N that did it I gave a loud roar of hysteria n went into fits..... I thought she who is never even in speaking terms with her husband (the world knows) she whose husband cannnot stand her so feeds her money n leaves for dubia 5 times in a month! is saying this!!! All I had to say was Sweety I know You are just the person to know alll about this!

They left! just as I anticipated! and Guess what I felt like a looser! I felt like I was the size of a thumblina all of a sudden in my own eyes. I said to myself if you think you are such a miss high n mighty n these are fickled brained nonsense talking fools then YOU! are no less a hoiety toiety thinking too much of yourself working class female!

Your so called education hasn't done you much good if you stoop to bitching around like others. I did not go n apologise to her knowing it will be an uproar that will give birth to a right to everyone to give me a sermon on how bad I was.

So I decided to do one thing sure to cheer her up! give her a branded something n never repeat this mistake! Just as this thought entered my head it went spinning! One gift to one cousins then the norms dictate others are cousins too n you have to treat all equally n once given it builds hopes u have to give everytime and cannot forget their kids.......

They were busy continuing gossips (about me) on the other table with no signs of leaving but I fled away from the party landed in the sanctuary of my house. N gave them a mental salute! they are living a hard life indeed. SO many worries n efforts just to be accepted by their own kin is the toughest of all the jobs.

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