5 ways in which honey can prove to be a savior

Honey has been called the elixir of life. For thousands of years it has been known to man. Ancient Egyptians and Romans had made it a basic constituent of their daily diet. It has the ability to cure wide range of ailments and keep external wounds free from infections. Scientific evidence has shown it has limitless uses. Let us dig into some of them.

As a cough syrup

Tired of those syrups with disgusting taste? Here is a lustrous brown, sweeter and natural alternative. Honey’s efficacy in treating cough is unparalleled. A coating of honey on the throat soothes any irritation or soreness thereby suppressing cough.

Honey as a healer

Among the properties of honey the most fascinating is its ability to heal. A study has revealed it is effective in treating diabetic foot ulcers and burned skin. According to a research the burned skin covered with honey healed faster than antiseptic ointment coated skin. So don’t forget to carry a mini flask of honey, the next time you go for trekking.

Good for curing a hangover

Swearing never to have alcohol heavily the next time you go to a party doesn’t help you from that punishing hangover and nausea. We suggest you a drink that can spruce up your morning. Blend 15ml of honey with 80ml of orange juice and 70 ml of natural yogurt until it becomes smooth. Honey is gentle on the stomach and contains a mix of natural sugars known to speed up oxidation of alcohol.

Weight Loss

If weight loss is a problem then honey is the answer. It can relieve you of weight problem even while you sleep. It is also a strong sleep inducing agent. Having a mix of spoonful honey in a mug of hot milk every day before sleeping releases stress and relaxes the body. Antioxidants in honey fights cholesterol by mobilising the extra deposited fat thus using it in other normal processes of the body.

Cancer cure agent?

The belief that honey can cure cancer might be untrue but it does possess carcinogen preventing anti-tumour properties. So go and get a big jar of honey as it can do wonders in your life!

Tags: LIFE, Eat, Honey, Health, Fun, Truth

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