I danced and sang and ran as a child,

Simple and easily beguiled!

My daddy's little girl,

Happy with just a candy swirl!

Then I was in school,

Here all went by the rule.

I no longer knew what I could do,

But intellectually I grew!

I am now a daughter,aunt and a sister

Soon going to be an alma mater!

Time flew so swift,

Yet giving me the healing gift.

I have changed a lot since school,

I am sometimes an emotional fool.

Sometimes hard as a rock,

But I still miss my frock.

I am a child at heart .

Still wishing life had a button of restart.

I learnt from disappointment and rejection,

That it was the only way to perfection!

I was told to change,

I tried,but that felt strange.

I am who I am and want to be,

My imagination, heart and will as mighty as a sea!

My identity is still a point of debate.

For I am low on my life's au fait!

Written for Poetry Jam

Prompt: Identity!

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