I have been penning articles 2 weeks in a row! What an experience!

But the name 'WriterBabu' leaves me stupefied.Looking up the meaning of babu on the net left me even more.It says 'respectful title for a man' or an 'office worker or clerk'.
I belong to neither.Further it says, the name can mean an ancestor-a grandfather for instance or even a child is called babu lovingly by the parent.
Confusing.I think we all are going to grow grey by the time we finish our writing.
But I must accept.
The name IS attractive.

Next object of concern-visibility! Who is visible to whom? What is 'public?' I'm spending sleepless nights worrying about whether the whole World is actually reading me between the lines!
Are my friends outside this domain grinning over my jokes,laughing over my mistakes?
By the way what is the need for a friend?For all I know whether you are a friend or not everything's visible to everyone.No added advantage.

To my last point.There are four fellows who draw the curtains down at the end of each WriterBabu show.
Hummm,Nice,Hats off and finally Speechless.

'Nice' is probably a guy in casuals- jeans and tee shirt -harmless variety.
A 'çhalta hai' type.

'Hats off'-a dignified, well mannered gentleman,highly chivalrous-keeps opening doors and giving up his seats to women.
Respectfully his hat too!
Can't help liking him!

'Speechless' is definitely the shy young man who forgets his well rehearsed lines ,the moment he sees the gorgeous girl he so adores.
He takes the cake!

But my problem is with Mr.'Hummm'.
Short form of humming bird.
Whistling like a roadside romeo at every passing girl.
How irritating!
Or is he saying,'Hummm bhi aapse kuch kummm nahi.'
Obnoxious .
Feel like whistling back at him and handing him over to the cops.

P.S-Shouldn't he be more aptly renamed,'hmmm?'

Tags: Humor, Writerbabu

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