What drives us all to do something??...Us- the "humans"..you know .the mighty humans who conquered about everything which came in their path.So what is the fuel to this complex machine called Human..Is it desire ?...the self belief in oneself..? Well, as it turns out it can be anything.It can be the desire to achieve something or the need to be valued in society or to prove yourself to someone.... anything.

What I feel is,the entity which drives us all is hope-the most dangerous and wonderful thing in the world.

Take for example, a hardworking dedicated person who does nothing in his life but helps everyone around him.Does he have a motive in mind? Well not necessarily .Believe me or not there are people in this world who just want everyone to be happy unconditionally. They do their part and hope for the best and they are satisfied with what they achieve in their lives.
The definition of hope here is totally different when compared to person who hopes for a better life ,but is unwilling to work for it.Well here lies the problem, majority of people in present society just hope for things to change but they are not willing to sacrifice their personal comfort for it.Hope is infectious,more infectious than anything we have ever seen or heard of.It infects the mind in a way that it cant be treated.Hope can make you blind,deaf,mute and paralyzed all at once and the worst part is, in reality, you are not. Hope trumps all logic.

Hope is a neutral entity if you believe me,how it is processed by the human mind gives birth to the positive or negative aspect of it.Positive for people who use hope as a tool to achieve something good,and negative for people who don't do anything and just well "hope".

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