They sang a song of mourning
As they carried her on their shoulders
Moving slowly through the tiny roads
They murmured and they whispered
How did you die, Annabella?

They covered her face with the white veil
As they lay her down to burn away
They murmured and they whispered
How did you die, Annabella?

Your house was locked, we checked that twice
They did not rob your gold
The snakes of the jungle did not bite you
The doctor said you were whole
We wonder and we whisper
How did you die, Annabella?

Her days were hard, everyone knew
Her love was lost forever
But sorrow does not come with daggers and knives
Then how did you die, Annabella?

Was it the ghost of your dreams
That made you scream at night?
Was it the voice in your head
That spoke to you day and night?
The demons that drilled into your mind
Did they kill you, Annabella?

Tags: Poetry

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