It was late night when I was in my bed. Reading a novel by Nicolas sparks and was enjoying, having a sip of real juice with with a book a great combo, as I realised that it was something crawling on my leg I ignored it first but then, when it just bit me I could not resist without seeing it, Oh the mosquito under my bed sheet. How is it even possible? then I just became alive to see what really had happened in my leg n what I saw it an Ant. An Ant bit me on my leg just as that a mosquito did?
OH I had that red mark that I usually have when a mosquito bites me, but it was an Ant a black Ant. I just thought that might be it was a mosquito and just flew off but usually in summers i had noticed that they r all gone ...So finally I made conclusion that it was an Ant only..Then what I called my best-friend n "we were like solving it just as a medical case" made an ant sat on a glass plate went to a store-room n became CID one became Daya and other Praduman singh hehehhe.
So ant u don't have any option just tell me who u really are?? And did u bit me? interrupting in between my friend do u want to live or die just spell it out....What u did ???
Ant very silently at first, opened her mouth and said I am a HYBRID,
we both were like "SAY IT AGAIN" what is that n I started crying what is this?
What a hybrid called thing had bit me on my leg, meanwhile my friend was having a conversation with that Ant.bla bla bla....zzzzzzz....
Then the ant told us to take her blood sample and look that what kind of enzymes are in there in her blood. And we went inside the room had our coat, our appliances glasses, and went to a lab where we examined her blood and saw that it had mosquitos essence in it.
So what really happened???? We were just thinking meanwhile we heard ant saying just drop my blood in a pot filled of chemicals the smoke was coming out of it, my friend told me to just add one drop of ants blood in it n here it was, We were able to see the whole story
"One day ant was going to her home meanwhile a mosquito comes in her way to grab some of his stuffs they had a quarrel ant bit him nothing happened but when mosquito injected his killer "dank" in ant, ant died for a moment and when woke up had a tooth of mosquito in it n mosquito was left with nothing in him, he was alone his powers was gone, he became old in his youth days. He sadly went out of that place n here was the ant superior to all having 2 qualities to bite She was evil now using Her hybrid quality to suppress other breeds.n so was this picture thing ended..."
Me n my friend stared at each other and abruplty I saw my mobile phone trembling aside my hand it was 6 AM ..Time to wake up...What a terrific dream I first thought, n made my breakfast by just rewinding the story in my mind though the dream was hilarious but I was scientist then..Oh my god I realised it was beacause of my addiction watching Vampires Diaries, All hybrid thing came from there only but in a funny way.weird?????na
But it was nice start of a day, at least it came up with a smile....after all i was a scientist in my dream..

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