"So do you have a crush on me?", I typed teasingly.
"I don't know..", She replied.
"Well do think about it then,"I typed back.

After some minutes-maybe of thinking what to say- she replied something that truly surprised me.

"I love you"

My eyes remained fixed on the screen. Did she mean that? How could she possibly fall for me? Is she making fun of me? Several unanswered questions popped in the mind. She was a year older than me and I was not really convinced that she was being honest.. So I typed back:

"Can I have your num Plz :)"

We exchanged our numbers then.

"When R U gonna Call me?", she asked..
"2morrow", I replied
"Call me now"
"I can't.. Got no money in my balance right now"
"U don't love me..U were lying"
"Ok wait..I'll get mum's mobile"

Hesitantly and secretly, I fetched my mom's mobile phone but I was still unconvinced..

"U gave me ze right number, didn't U?"I asked
"just gimme a call"

So I called..

"Hello?", I began
"humm..So U were not joking right?
"No, I truly meant it"

After some moments of hesitation, I said:
"Ok bye"

Then we went back online, and I typed:

"Sorry about zat, I didn't know wat 2 say.."
"me 2.... U have a sweet voice"
"thnxx.. U sounded cute.."
"thnxx..Call me again 2morrow"
"bye..love U"
"by..love U too :)"..

And so finally, someone truly fell for me.. I got my first girlfriend.. :D


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