Hear me for I am human
Hear me for I am a soul
Trapped in an earthly vessel
Made up of stardust and gold

Came into this world covered in blood
Decaying the second my existence was fashioned
Following footprints the same as man before
Is my entity different then those who came before?

Instilled with concepts and ideas since birth
Destiny, fate, prayers and freewill
Angels, Demons, Creatures and God
Illusion, reality a haze in all

To be with nature
I destroyed it all
Followed a path for a lost cause
Destroyed and ruined fertile lands
Killed and betrayed my fellow men

Termites in my root
A captive of my thoughts
Like a hollow tree
Waiting for mankind to fall

Cheated and betrayed
Loved and lost
Encountered it all
And broke like a china doll

Gathered my bits
And glued them up
For i am human
Better than all!

Life came to a halt
And i realized late to change the past
Guilt and remorse is what now remains
My footprints not different from other after all?

Lying in this grave; dark and cold
My dear ones crying on the stone
Now nothing can be done for the time is gone
And now i shall say; forevermore

Hear me for i am Human
Hear me for i am a soul
Trapped in an earthly vessel
Made up of stardust and gold

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