I am weak.
you are the strength that leaves me,
please don't take my strength away.

I am weak.
I am broken and in pieces,
but what is broken is most easily fixed
only you can fix me.

I am weak.
I must be damaged,
for what is damaged most needs proper repair
only you repair me.

I am weak.
there is a void in me,
you are the piece to my puzzle
out of my world, yet you complete me.

I am weak.
I sink into darkness,
here there is no joy nor sorrow,
your love is reason,
cast me your rope.

I am weak.
I suffer from withdrawal,
your love is the cure.
If it would not last,
I will take your vaccine.

I am weak.
not because I lack strength,
not because I am damaged nor broken,
I have no interest in this puzzle,
I need not joy, with no exception for sorrow.

I am weak.
you alone straighten me,
please don't take your strength away

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