I dream, I write, I publish..

Writing has always been my passion. I write about anything & everything. Sometimes, I don't have to think much. Sometimes, just like a river, words simply flow, but my fingers fail to type as fast. I can write a poem in less than five min.

I write when I'm happy, when I'm cheerful. When I'm angry, when I'm cool. But more when I'm tensed, when depressed. For me, writing is a stress buster. Love to write emotional, heart-touching poems. Straight from my heart. The usual dreams, fantasies, desires make me write even more. The idea of anonimity, makes me dream, write even more. Anonimity is the best way to reveal desires, longings, expression etc..The more I read, the more I write. The more I write, the more I become sensitive to human intuitions.

Thanks a lot to Srijan Srivastava for this amazing site. You are adding life to my years. Love to read, love to write. Hope to write even more...

Tags: Writing

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