Life is a race
And within every challenges
And quests I have to face
I completely forget that I have a life

Torn between our own
Responsibilities and desires
And our family pressurizing us to
Become a girl everyone admires
I tend to forget that
I have a life

What will others say
Has killed millions of dream
And with a cup of sadness
Filled up to the brim
Is it easy to remember
That I have a life

Our age-old enmities
With studies and books
And our die hard
Efforts to improve our looks
There is a voice inside me whispering
I have a life

Living in a society
Where money is more important than life
Where every moments unconventional
Aims are cut down with words like knives
I have lost my desire to live

My heart is beating faster
To tell that I should live before I die
I don’t want much, just a day away
From everything
And make it all mine

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