I have discovered and rediscovered some important things in my many years on God’s green earth. I’ve expressed a few of these important facts but I would like to present them in one discourse.

First of all, I thought when I finished college many years ago, that I was done learning. Of course, if I would have used my brain I would have realized that we never stop learning. In fact, even before I decided to get my Masters I was learning that whole time. I taught myself about the ins and outs of computers by building my own Computer when I lived in Alaska many years ago. I learned how to write basic back in the day and how to program HTML. I learned through reading how to build a log cabin and to compose and publish books. Today, I am learning for about people and about myself so I can help other people accomplish their dreams in life.

Secondly, I have learned that reading is one of the greatest tools of any generation. Since I am a writer I’ve realized the importance of reading to discover when researching for a book. Also, if we want people to read our books we must read other writers; It’s part of giving and receiving.

Next, I’ve found out that we cannot live our lives in a vacuum. We all must be part of a thriving community of like-minded, positive people who have predetermined goals. Together these like-minded individuals create a synergy that brings the community together in a manner to help everyone accomplish their dreams and goals. We find the good in each other and we build upon it creating a mastermind.

Wow, it continues. Life is very tough these days and I have discovered that freedom is slowly being taken away from our society by those who would control everything we do. I have observed that we have allowed this to happen over the years through complacency. We have fallen into the trap of going to college so we can get a good job. College was never created for us to get a job.

Originally, education was self-directed toward a profession not an occupation. Most individuals worked for themselves or had their own business and they learned how to make that business better through their self-directed education.

(To be continued)

Tags: Experience

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