I wanted you to pass
Another one of my phases
Thoughts from peculiar places
Just another one of many
Smiling, pretty faces
But you stayed with me…..

I need you to fade...
You caused me so much pain...
Hopelessness, borderin on the verge of insanity...
Unable to breathe...
Express the pangs of my blood pump...
I felt your presence behind me....
Only to see you were never there……

I am desperate for you to....
Go away….
GO away…
GO Away…

But as life goes on
I listen to myself
I find that though love has not returned
I had not died within myself….
Am down but not out
Feeling rejected but not dejected…
and my love doesn’t fade away
My heart just cant be executed....
This desire does not just leave me...............

You’re one scar on my heart ….
To remind me of the pain I endured...
Sleep I lost
Memories I keep
Heart that weeps
and why I love you everyday
Because rest assured:

I’ll Never let you fade away……

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