That touch, those teary eyes, those awkward feelings in his presence!
That helplessness, those threats, that silence..
The fear of awful shadows of my childhood swallowed me a bit

Time passed, I moved on to normalcy of life..
Dwelling in books, suppressing my desires, trying to be better than everybody else - I kept on walking.
Those disappointed faces in my family swallowed me a bit more.

Fell in love, faced heartbreak, betrayal,
Opened my eyes to the reality of the dark world, or may be it was just me!
Those conflicts, those doubts on myself, those questioning eyes around swallowed me even more.

Landed on some corporate surface,
there were fake smiles, smartly dressed people running around ruining each others' lives.
Too tough for me to understand, to fit in, or may be it was just me!
Those longings to be somewhere else, to be someone else, the smoky vague future swallowed me almost entirely.

I thought I was walking in the crowd to stand out,
I thought I could save myself from being torn apart.
I kept walking alone, struggling to keep my head up,
Building a shield around me, how naive, I wonder!

One day I really opened my eyes,
there was no 'me' anymore.
I saw the busy crowd, I saw the vehicles, I heard the growling sound of the ocean.
I cried out my name, I asked around for my own address.
Nobody could find me. I was lost.

I was lost in the crowd, in the daylight, in the dark !
I lost myself!

Tags: Tragedy

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