I love you, you love me
I'm disturbed come near me

My life is worthy of having you
you aren't leaving me, are you?

Don't stretch this topic like a gum
people can see the mess and have fun

Give me hug and let's sort out
damn it! talk to to me clear it, what is it all about?

If you are Yin I am Yang
perfect together songs we sang
iPod was one, earphone was one
right in your ear i had left one

You are my muse, obsession you are
my thoughts following, you're never far
try we can and we will succeed
is there only infidelity involved or monetary greed

I love i thought you loved me too
i won't come back just tell the truth
are you in love with guy you 'accidentally kissed'
I would walk-off i won't be pissed

I only hope the best for my love
you are my treasure fair as a dove
be with someone who makes you happy
if you will not be happy I won't be happy

Tags: ROMANCE, Love, Loss

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