Even though it's really late,
I can't put my thoughts to rest.
The shame keeps rising up in me,
Too big to be inside my chest.

The guilt of all I'd done,
The pain I saw in my father's eyes.
The lights that just can't guide me home,
Lost as I am in my web of lies.

His words still pinch my being,
And to think that I hurt him so.
Young, confused, and crude,
Yet no room left to grow.

My whole body aches,
With a burn I can't define.
The faults of this world,
Collapsing in a pool around mine.

The only person I can call,
Is the only one I can't.
Leaving me with all of you strangers,
And this angry worthless rant.

I'm sorry Dad, I let you down.
I'm sorry that you don't believe.
But most of all I'm sorry cause
I'm not the girl you wished I'd be.

Tags: Apologies

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