I want to tell the woman who is something and anything and everything that does not understand how good she really is?

I want to tell her she is gorgeous, beautiful. Cute when she wears a girlish grin when her eyes rest on my face. She is gorgeous most of the time and beautiful all the time, especially when she is sleeping. Light breaths and at utter peace with the world, no signs of stress in her body.

I want to tell her she is lovely. That her personality is wonderful and her mind fantastic. That sometime she does not know the right things to say or sometime does not do the right things in general, and that is what makes her lovely. That she makes decisions and tries and proves she is human instead of giving up and moving on.

I want to tell her she is a good writer. That her writing pace speaks for itself and would baffle even writers like Amrita Pritam while on the pitch. She is a good writer but best is yet to come. I want to motivate her but do not crush her dreams of being the next J.K.rowling, else she will never sleep in peace again.

I want to tell her she is the little things. The moisture of cool breeze and the first rain gathering on rooftops. Laughing down park trails and running up and over park benches. Birds singing on cable wires and the calm before the storm. The little things that become the best memories.

I want to tell her she has become my dream. And two of us burned beneath the dying sun and set all I touched aflame. Singed flesh and ashen organs atop a scorched earth became soft July nights of passion and wonder.I want to enlighten her,want to make her dream too.

I want to tell her what is on my mind and what she does not want to hear.I am always honest with her, but in the best possible way. Sometime she does not want to hear she is gorgeous, a good writer, absolutely lovely and she will probably deny it all. But I hope a small part of her is thankful for the things I have to say. I want to tell her everything and anything and something, just like her.

If I will speak, she will listen and might call me “cute" and maybe “creepy" or say me “take things too seriously" or something like that “you are still child", but I pay no mind to it. I will simply smile and watch the fire grow in her eyes as her thoughts become something else entirely. But remain silent, and something and anything and everything will slowly become nothing.

"There are word that she has created that can come close to expressing the feeling of love. But sometimes, it’s only words that I have got to take her heart away to make her happy for eternity."

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