When moon is kept from calling it a night,
When noone intrudes to tell what is right...
When my smiles go broad and deep...
A journal of these is all I wish to keep!!


When you walk me into my dreams
And veil differentiating it from reality is no where to be seen...
Oblivion to the fact,  I'm with you on the 9th cloud,
You think, I just passed out!


When alarms fail but notification plays a role,
And when your presence make me feel to be on Parole.
I'm not sure if I have ever before told...
But these are the times I wish to 'tap and hold...'!


When words are lost in the tussel of brain and heart...
And we don't have an option but to depart.
When I fail to skip the reality into the incomplete dreams,
These are the times I wish to skip, it seems!


When your departure is no more a necessity,
And we all have a shine of clarity.
When all that matters is within our control,
And when we tend to have a common goal.


When you are a permanent resident of not only my mind,
When ignoring the society, no more appears to be unkind.
When I don't need to close my eyes to see yours...
These are the days I wish to guide my ship to..., not sure if I will ever see the shores!!

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