I will write, no matter how much skies are grey.
I will write, no matter how much sun is harsh.

I write not to impress,
I write not to express,

I write not for him,
I write not for her,

I write when times are odd,
I write when times are harsh,

I missed writing when I was down,
I missed writing when I was broken,
I missed writing when I was shattered,
I missed writing when time was wrong,

But it was due to writing that I discovered myself, as i found solace in the written words. And meaning in the framed sentences.

As the breath in my lungs is pumped due to the words written on the paper.

Now I know how much we are connected.
Now is the time to get patched.

Now is the time that we will finally live together in eternity. As it walks,talks and breathes every day in me.

Tags: Writing, LIFE

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