Don't judge..just let it flow!!!...

If I actually wake up with amnesia and all the memories of the past are erased, I don’t think I’ll be in dismay. Of course, there will be chaos and need to know but I believe, and I believe it strongly, that portions of my mind, heart and soul will be at peace. The constant unrest and rush of thoughts will subside and a new urge to know will deepen. Deepen, maybe to the extend of madness but pieces of my mind, heart and soul will be at peace.

However, while, jotting this down I do realize the cost of such wishful thinking. And I also relate with the agony which such condition has brought to various loved ones. How it has stirred perplexed and madness in their's, and in the lives of those who love and care for them. How it has performed a pirouette, which did not showcase the beauty, of perfect bend and rotation. But did showcased the power and wrath of lacking memory which can dishevel life forever.

But I still believe that some parts of my mind, heart and soul will be at peace, if there will be amnesia.

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