If life grant me just one wish,
I would break the cage which holds me back,
Would break the cage of despair and disparity,
If life grant me just one wish,
I would want to re-write the story of my life again,
Will fill myself with different colors of life,
If life grant me just one wish again,
I will again mend the broken part inside me,
I will again work to bring something new inside me,
If life grants me one more wish again,
I will try to touch the sky again,
I will try to give colors to my dreams again,
If life grants me one more wish again,
I will fill up the empty part of my life again,
Will hold onto those relationships which once I felt was immaterial,
If life grants me one more wish again,
I will take those happiness back home which I left behind,
I am waiting for the time to come around again,
But I know it is like holding the sand in the hand,
But I know I have the power to start the story of my life again,
And I know I have the power to give direction to my life again,
The ground beneath my feet holds me tight,
And I know I can make the time come around,
No matter how hard it might be,
But I will chase the cloud again,
If life grants me one more wish again…..

Tags: Dreams

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