You were young then and I, your two year old. Apple of your eye. You showed me off, your youngest child, your only son everywhere you went.

I giggled and laughed incoherently in your loving bosom. But one day you suddenly vanished into thin air. I searched and searched high and low for you every day. They said you would return soon. I waited and waited. Cried rivers into my pillow.
I didn't know then it was that gruesome disease that took you away.

Dad married again. How mean of him! I hated him and her even more. She soon had this awful brood of her own. Not just one...
but my troubles multiplied by four.

She, I never called her Mom, disliked me at first sight. I never had enough to eat. I watched as the rascals surrounded her, she fed huge morsels into their big mouths while I sat just staring. She forgot to feed me.

They wore the latest fashion and I....looked like an antique piece. A wall clock that had forgotten to chime. They laughed at me.

No wonder I grew up a thorough full bred rebel.
I gave up studies midway and caught a train to somewhere, just to escape my sheer misery.

Caught ticketless, fined heavily..they kicked me into jail on finding I had nothing to pay.
Dad found out, came and rescued me. He pleaded with me to return home. I stood resolutely adamant.

He went back and I stayed with my friend, found a job, worked my way up in life. Shrewd and worldly wise, I soon prospered. With it came luscious temptations leading me into a lifestyle of sinfulness. With no one to check me...they never dared to..fearing my awful temper, I turned bad to worse.

Years passed by. Dad passed away. I stood by him as he died. His eyes glistened as he beheld me.
"I'm sorry son, I couldn't hold on to your Mom. I loved her a lot."

I'm old and grey now, Mom, never has a day passed when I didn't remember you. If only you were there, I wouldn't be like this today.
I watch my daughter holding her baby boy and I go green with envy. How cherubic is his smile!

If only you didn't leave me then, I'd be a reputable man today.
You would have corrected me, chastised me.

I've fallen Ma...into great depths.
I can't get out of this muck.
I miss you Ma.
If only you were there!

Tags: Memories

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