"Setbacks are given to ordinary people to make them extraordinary."
I never feared setbacks, for they always have been a step to the spiritual world for me. I have always believed in patience and silence, for patience is the best response to the problems we have to endure in any case, and silence is the best way to end the argument sometimes.
But, what if people start taking your silence as if you have nothing to say or you are unable to think or in short, they start believing your silence as defeat!!! ?
NO!! silence sometimes mean that your are unlike them, you can bear what others fear, you are strong enough to let your ego go! you are powerful enough to control your anger. You are deep thinker. It means that your are living a life more lively than them as anger does not close your eyes and your tongue does not slip, your heart does not sink so easily and your brain is always working!!!

I just want to know whether such people deserve to be forgiven??? even when they don't ask for it??

Forgiveness removes hatred and misunderstanding, But my personal experience says,'Do forgive everybody,even those who tried to take away your soul, but also make them realize what pain you had to bear due to them!!!' sure they cannot heal your moments of past, but they may not do this to anyone else again!

Love everyone, all are human beings. A lesson taught with love can bring a positive change but the reaction of anger,hatred,and vengeance makes no difference between you and the other!

If people do not realize, leave them...but for heaven's sake, do not change your originality for the callous souls!!! Improve your self but do not let your self lost among the "copies." Be who what you are. If some one loves you, he/she would accept you with your flaws! because, "LOVE" is not just a four letter word meaning for affiliation, rather it is deep like a sea, vast like the sky and polymorphic like a desert!!!...

Tags: Soul

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