And when you realize that your happiness is temporary, when you know its not your destiny and when you know the world which you thought would be same forever is a myth and you are still in the pseudo world, you feel screwed again. You feel yourself stuck between the temprory happiness and the future without any light, you see just the darkness.
Then what are you suppose to do? Stay or move on? If you stay your future will curse you and if you don't your present will. Things become so complicated, just become the opposite of what you had assumed. You are left clueless and numb.

Then there if you listen to your heart, your heart and brain contradicts with each other, they fight and you are again answerless. To find these answers you have to live the present. You have to face it. And for your future you have to live the present. Struggle, work and fight but do it in present, dont leave anything for your future. Your future should be free of your past.

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