IST is the acronym for Indian Stretchable Time followed in North of the Equator within 8° 4'-37°6' North latitudes and 68° 7'-97° 25' East longitudes. The total area that comes under this time zone is approx. 31,66,414 square Kms, i.e., The Indian Subcontinent. The standard longitude that determines IST is variable in nature as it depends upon the mood and character of people following it. India doesn't follow Daylight Saving Time(D S T) and other such seasonal adjustments as it doesn't really matter. No matter what the season is, people in India have the same attitude towards punctuality and saving time. The value of "5 minutes" in IST can vary anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes to a whole lifetime in GMT(Greenwich Mean Time). IST is followed strictly by the Law and Order system of India under which there is a provision for Criminals and Politicians(used interchangeably with criminals) to pull off crimes and scams comfortably before any action(subject to what is at stake) is taken against it. According to the Indian Constitution if a person doesn't follow or prevents someone(read Govt. servants and politicians) from following the IST can be penalized accordingly. The penalty of which ranges from as big as loss of personal property to as small as loss of life.

Tags: Satire, People

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