Sometimes even the words fail to express her,
the ink seems dried up,
the pen seems to be damaged,
the quill flies away in the air,
the paper allows no more space,

What the hell is problem with you!
When you follow your brain, you regret, give lessons of following heart, short life and bla bla bla...
but when you actually listens to your heart, you end up your brain condemning you!
following your heart is a crime? ? ?
I don't know!
but hurting others is no humanity!!
You want to give a huge cry, for breaking his heart
it was not you all alone,
He started it!
Being good to someone does not mean to "fall in love"!
You did not ask him to love you!
You had always considered it as a good acquaintance!
You never mentioned anything "much more than just friends" as he did!

Yeah, it was good time with him, nice talk with him, some good memories...
it was time for him to leave me
to realize that you were just not ready for that kind of relation with him!

the earlier one realizes, the better,
you ignored him to save him from the worst pain he might have later,
cz internally, you know you cannot develop those feelings for him which he expected!

So, be calm, just pray for him...
You were not attached to him,
but the thought of hurting the God's man is killing!
You made your point clear, and that is far better than keeping others in darkness!
You could not sacrifice yourself for nothing...

People come and go,
only a few stay,
and you had to go from his life...
He will find another,
but you would not have been satisfied internally ever,
CZ, I know you better!!!

Don't make goodness your weakness that one day you yourself be found in the abeyance of regrets!
Maintain balance in your life!

You just cannot make every one happy!
Learn to Move on!!!

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