Success is not a secret.It is a choice, a choice that is made over and over again. The choice that brings success and Achievement is more than a one time event .It is a choice that is integrated towards every moment of Life . It's one thing to decide upon a course of action and then leave it at that . such a strategy will leave you with nothing but empty wishes and good intentions . real achievement comes from choosing to achieve again and again , moment after moment until the goal is attained . Real achievement comes from choosing to achieve , and then continually reaffirming that choice with action. choosing success is really quite easy .To actually reach that success , just keep on choosing it . keep on choosing and acting on the choice for as long as necessary. And anything is within your reach. the obstacle you encounter are not preventing you from reaching your dreams . they're merely blocking one particular path that you mistakenly assume is the only way to reach the dreams .
If You focus on the obstacles , then you give them more power . Instead ,focus on your purpose, on your most authentic and fundamental intentions.


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