The greatness of a writer lies in the fact that they can inspire others to write. Its an art to make someone follow what you are doing. It needs various skills and the most important one of them is how you convey your message.

If you can inspire someone to join you here on WriterBabu in your journey of writing reading and have some fun together then you really deserve an award because its a very very difficult task. Those who have tried, already know this fact. Hence by design one can gain some reputation points.

Only a true leader can inspire someone and convert them into active members. And hence the reputation gain is only from those invited people who actually do become one WriterBabu.

Its always a good thing for the community when some active writers and readers join us. We should promote such actions.

I think the decision to award reputation gains for inviting other "active writers" is not bad. I totally agree that no system is perfect and same goes with WriterBabu. Things will keep on improving for the good of all.

Keep writing ... writing is fun ... :)

Tags: Writerbabu

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