Everyone of us is too busy in his/her daily routine...
But just hold yourself back for a minute, take a deep breathe n think... Is your routine really boring or you make it so... so, whats your answer!
Your goes as you want it to go.. Its in our human nature... When you feel good everything around you will give positive vibes. Don't agree! Okay, so let me give you an example, think of a cloudy day, cool breeze, its just about to rain... Now, lets not go to far just take yourself, if your with you loved one in such a weather, how you'll feel, uhmm..!! Yaa, you're right, real romance will be in the air, love, affection. Happiness in your mind and smile on your face. Now, just think of its reverse, you're missing your beloved, how you feel it now. Pain, sadness, feeling like crying, talking to no one, sitting in a corner all alone with sad songs on your music list. Isn't that so.. Did you got it, what i wanted to convey. The weather is same but your perspective towards it is different.
Same is with our routine, it depends on us how we look towards it
If you're working, come home late tired, lots of files and figures in office crumble your mind and you are left with nothing when come home, apart from the frustration on boss; your bad colleagues. In this situation you're most probable to shout at your life partner and parents, this will worsen your condition. Instead, you try to keep your work at office, sit with your family, have dinner together, talk, laugh and just relax. Share with your partner/ parents whatever you're facing in your office, you'll feel relax and it might be possible that they suggest you some solution. You happy you're family happy. And at weekends, just go out, stroll, explore, enjoy. And don't forget to keep your smile on your face
Okay, so this was about the working people, now we come to students... Who are most prone to get bored of anything in a short time... This is the most glorious period of our life time. No responsibilities, no tensions, no worries.. Free mind to explore the world. Spend tedious day at school, then rush to coaching. This is how your daily routine goes... So lets put something interesting in it. Come home, take a nap and relax. Wake up, complete your school and coaching work. Now go out with friends, interact, socialize, learn, play, have fun. Come home tell your mom about you're day(most of us don't do this thinking what all she has to do with our stuff) but believe me she would like it even if she understands nothing of it. Help her, make her smile. Talk to your dad, tell him about what you learnt in your school. Yes, he already knows all that but then also. Have siblings, play, talk, laugh. You can even play a kind of board game with your whole family.
These small things do make a big count in your life. Don't make your life so dull, its a gift given to you by God, may be you'll not get a another chance so CHERISH IT from today only.
As your smartphone needs to be updated for better performance, you're routine too needs to be updated for a better life. Problems will come and go now n then, like viruses in your phone no matter you use the best antivirus.
All you have to do is just take out some time for one person really important in your life... YOU
Do whatever makes you happy
Life will keep running on its pace. Do something to make it count. now go out n make your day count and yes, as i said, don't forget to take your smile with you...

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