Look at this place...
It's no longer the same...
When I first logged in,
and worked my way to fame...

Very few posts are generated now...
Has Writerbabu lost its charm somehow?
Even those few posts are all about "Love"..
I think that's a problem to be resolved** ...

Where are the writers?
Where are the readers?
Most interesting articles are not even polled,
Make a statistic to see the toll....

I dunno what to say...
My WB newsfeed filled with old posts everyday...
Even the "Hummm guy" has disappeared(that toad)...
looks like he also got bored!

This is an appeal to the folks here...
You may be busy in your personal life... but plz bear...
at least do some activity here before going to bed...
Because Writerbabu seems ...... dead... dead..... dead....

**if you know what I mean!

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