He broke up with me and he insulted me. I am sick of it. I can't tell it to anyone because the lone person whom I would tell about my relationship has taken his side. He has taken away even her and has left me all alone. I don't know what to do. Maybe I shouldn't have fallen in love with him. But then do I have so much control over it that I can stop myself from falling in love? He was a nice and I loved him and still love him for that. But how things change and how people change with time! If he comes back to me I will still accept him because I love him. He is a guy and people won't question him about it. But I am a girl and people will pass comments on me. What have I done to deserve that? What is my mistake? That I fell in love. It's ripped apart my heart. I don't know what to do. All I know is that I have to be strong. I have to keep smiling even though all I wanna do is cry. I can't tell mom that I am sad. Many questions would follow and I know she is against falling in love and would scold me for it. Then I will not be able to talk to my best friend since birth- mom. And she would be hurt to see me broken. And I can't afford to see her hurt. So I will be strong. But how I wish I could tell everything about this to someone close. Because of him I don't even have any close friends as he thought that I would spend more time with them than him! I am tired of it. But I got to be strong though it hurts!

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