you have a fight with your best friend because he didn't respond
It's Not The Rage, It's The Fear
fear of losing him, fear that he does not care, fear that no body does

you fire the maid because you lost your favorite shirt
It's Not The Rage, It's The Fear
fear of losing the cloth which can easily be substituted, fear that things are not organised

you argue with your father because he doesn't take you seriously
It's Not The Rage, It's The Fear
fear that he can amplify your insecurities, fear that you might never get to prove yourself

you feel guilty, you are filled with regrets, you tend to scream at anybody passing by
It's Not The Rage, It's The Fear
fear that you might never make it big, fear of mediocrity, fear of the past holding on to your present and future.

you scream your throat out amidst a quarrel
It's Not The Rage, It's The Fear
fear of not being heard, fear that you might be wrong, fear that you are.

It is never the rage, because rage propels action not words
Realize that you scream only when you are scared....

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