In a relationship, you can never give enough to a man who is willing to take everything from you.
Some men are just takers. They don’t understand that a relationship is about giving and’s about balance. To these men, it’s always about them. Being able to compromise, in the name of moving the relationship forward, is a concept they cannot grasp. It’s this type of man who, after you’ve done everything for him, still comes to the door of the relationship with his hand out expecting more. Then, he has the audacity to try to make you feel bad when you finally say, “Enough!”
You can’t tell her you are willing to listen to her and then as soon as she begins to speak, you cut her off and tell her how wrong she is for feeling the way she does...that’s not fair to her. You don’t have to always agree, but you should always be willing to hear her out and take her feelings into consideration. After all, she’s your woman.
Whenever you cut her off and disregard how she feels, ask yourself this question: If the shoe was on the other foot and she did the same to you... how would you feel?
You’re not wrong for wanting to spend Quality time with your’re not asking too much and it doesn’t mean you’re “needy...” It simply means you understand the power of “Quality time...” you understand that it may have only taken “time” to create the bond, but that it’s going to take “Quality time” to solidify it and help it to grow.He wants to give her his time, but only on the weekends...she needs more from him. He wants to buy her a beautiful dress, but he's never around to see her wear it...she needs more from him. His text messages are sweet, but she needs more. His late night calls give her hope, but she knows that talking to you on the phone means you’re not there with her...she needs more from you. You see, she longs for your presence not your presents. If you ask her, she will tell you that all those other things are nice, but all she’s ever wanted was you.
Some say you should go into a relationship with “no expectations.” I disagree. Why? Because that concept only works on paper. You cannot remove from your heart what your heart knows is the level of treatment you need to be happy. You may be able to ignore it in the beginning; however, over time, if you are not getting what you need, it will begin to eat you up inside.
Simply telling her you love her is not enough, you have to consistently show her as well. It’s the combination of the two that makes it believable.
When you tell her that you love her, and you show her as well, she not only sees it and hears it, but she now feels it. And the feeling of being truly loved, is what makes it believable.

I am not looking for perfection from my man, I'm asking for consistency...for him to be consistent with his love, respect, loyalty and attention to me.
When a man cheats on a woman, it's not so much the physical act that hurts her; it's the feeling of being emotionally betrayed by the one person she loved and trusted to never do such a thing...that's what hurts the most.

There was always something he gave a higher priority than her. Whether it was the money, his career, or his friends...there was always something. All the conversations that she tried to have, but he refused to hear…all the evenings she wanted to spend time with him, but you were too busy. Everything...gone!
you can never truly be the right man for a woman until you are willing to change you first, at least at the foundation.There’s always room to grow, but if you do it the other way around, there’s a good chance that you’ll hurt her so much in the process, that she’ll have no choice but to leave long before you’re able to complete the change.That's a lose-lose situation. You lose a good woman and she loses the good man you could have been, had you just worked on yourself before you came looking for her.
When a woman is in love,she doesn't mind letting go of her ego,pride and self esteem bit by bit,for he man. However,when it's the wrong man, no matter what you're wrong. It's a no win situation for you. If you try to're nagging. When you stop communicating, he'll complain that you never talk to him so how is he supposed to know how you feel. Either way, in his mind, it's your fault...never his.

Tags: Men, Rant

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